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Photo of Port Angeles by James Perkins (via Flickr, Creative Commons 2.0.) |
Are you interested in an update on cleanup work in and around Port Angeles Harbor? Join us in Port Angeles Tuesday, May 9, at the Klallam Heritage Center. The open house will start at 6:30 p.m., followed by a presentation and Q & A session.
Although there isn’t a public comment period associated with this meeting, it's a great opportunity for us to update you about the cleanup and for questions and discussion.
Topics include:
- Finishing cleanup work at the K-Ply site, including removing more than 50,000 tons of contaminated soil from the site
- Integrating new standards into our sediment cleanup plans for Western Harbor and Rayonier that do a better job of protecting human health
- Finishing a study that helps us define cleanup levels for the North Olympic Peninsula region
- Where we are in the cleanup process at each of our cleanup sites around the harbor
- What we anticipate as we move forward
We look forward to seeing you there!
If you have questions about meeting arrangements, please call Megan MacClellan at 360-407-0067.
Public open house
Port Angeles Harbor general cleanup update
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
6:30 – 7:00 Open house
7:00 – 8:00 Presentation and Q & A
8:00 – 8:30 Open house
Klallam Heritage Center
401 E 1st St, Port Angeles
We just found this notice on Friday night, and you posted it only two business days before the meeting. It is at the same time as the most important even in Port Angeles other than our two annual festivals: A town hall meeting on opioid abuse, which is a serious problem here (as it is elsewhere). So how do you expect us to even get the word out so quickly much less get anyone to show up?
It's really concerning that someone apparently didn't bother to check local events nor check with anyone in this Facebook group:
PLEASE consider rescheduling and posting in all of these Facebook groups:
Waterfront Toxic Waste Campaign
Revitalize Port Angeles
Port Angeles (PAWA)
Hello Judith,
We are also disappointed about the conflict with another important community meeting.
Both topics are deserving of your time. Because the date for Ecology’s meeting has been scheduled for more than a month (and prior to the other meeting), we will be moving forward with it.
Representatives from the Toxics Cleanup Program will provide a status update of our cleanup work in Port Angeles. It is informational only. There are no public comment periods happening and no decisions will be made. The information presented at the meeting tomorrow evening will be available online. Additionally, a local public access Web TV channel has informed us that they will be filming the meeting. So while Ecology cannot guarantee the extent of their coverage, it may be an additional resource for the local community.
I checked the Facebook groups that you referenced and they all had posts about the meeting. In the future, we will include these Facebook groups in our announcements.
Of course, I encourage you to engage our community outreach team. Contact Megan MacClellan mmacclellan@ecy.wa.gov at 360-407-0067 if you have questions or comments about the meeting or any of the toxics cleanup activities in Port Angeles.
All the best,
Cheryl Ann Bishop
Toxics Cleanup Program Communications Manager
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