Ecology’s contractor, Clearcreek, is removing contaminated soil from residential properties on Balsam Lane and Hawthorne Street. Cleanup this year will include 24 properties north and south of Broadway. Construction work will continue through the winter and should wrap up in early March.
In addition to moving forward with this year’s cleanups, Ecology staff continues to plan for next year’s work. This month, Ecology staff will start meeting with property owners whose yards are scheduled for cleanup in 2012.
We are also sampling two city parks this winter: Wiggums Hollow and American Legion Memorial Parks are scheduled for sampling in December 2011 and January 2012.
Ecology will work hard to keep the community up to date on the latest cleanup information. To find out what’s happening with the project, you can:
- Check out the “latest information” link on the Everett Smelter website.
- Stop by one of the site signs to see where we’re working and pick up a flyer with the latest information. Signs are located at 2901 Butler, 2709 5th St. and the 700 block of Hawthorne.
- Visit with staff during office hours at the Baker Community Center, 1401 Poplar, from 9 to noon on Tuesdays and 1 to 4 p.m. on Thursdays.
- Call the information line at (425) 530-5169 (local number) to speak to a staff member.
- Check in with your neighborhood association president. Ecology will send regular information to the Delta Neighborhood and Northwest Neighborhood Association presidents.
- Look for a door hanger on you front door – this means we will be working on or near your street.
- Read these blog entries. We will update you on project status and more on the cleanup work planned for next year every couple of weeks.
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