Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Good News for the Environment

By Barb MacGregor, Web Communications Manager

Before I worked at Ecology, I thought of the agency as a bunch of people who make and enforce regulations. True, the regulations help protect the environment and enforcers make sure the rules are followed. But I just never imagined it was the kind of place where my background in environmental education and stewardship would fit.

Well, I’ve been here more than three years now, and I’ve seen and learned so much more about the people here and the work they do. Yes, they all care about protecting the environment. But they also care about the quality of life in our communities across the state. And healthy communities depend on a healthy environment and a healthy economy. These things are not mutually exclusive!

I thought I’d start sharing some of the good news I see in the media – stories that help show the connection between the work we do at Ecology and how it helps support healthy communities. If you see stories I’ve missed, please share the links with us by commenting below! You are always welcome to comment on any of our EcoConnect stories.

Here are some good news stories from last week:

From the Yakima Herald:
From the Tri-City Herald:
From the Seattle Times:

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