The City of Port Angeles (city), in cooperation with Rayonier, has opened a new section of trail across the Rayonier Mill cleanup site in Port Angeles. The new section of the Olympic Discovery Trail (trail) will be easier and safer for trail users, since it removes about 3,100 feet of detoured former trail with sharp bends.
How and why did the city build the new trail section?
The city built this new section of trail as part of their combined sewer overflow (CSO) project. About one mile of CSO project pipeline crosses the former mill property. To install the new pipeline, the city:
- Dug trenches for the pipeline, including removing contaminated soil.
- Placed pipes in the trenches and covered them with clean fill material.
- Covered the filled trenches with asphalt. This asphalt surface has become the new section of trail.
- Removed an old bridge across Ennis Creek and built a new 100-foot bridge that carries the CSO project pipes. The new bridge is also part of the new section of trail.
How does being on a cleanup site affect the trail?
Ecology, the city, and Rayonier have worked together to protect public health while allowing access to the new trail.
- The city removed contaminated and potentially contaminated soil under the trail.
- Rayonier disposed of visibly contaminated soil from the project off site. They placed potentially contaminated soil in grass covered stockpiles on the property.
- The city installed 6-foot high chain link fences along the trail so that trail users cannot access the cleanup site where contamination remains.
- The city hung signs every 300 feet along the trail and at every trail entrance. The signs warn users to stay on the trail and out of the cleanup site.
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