Thursday, February 27, 2014

Protecting air, land, water ... and saving lives!

By Erika Holmes, communications manager, Lacey

Ecology sets the bar high for state agency blood drives. So much so that the Puget Sound Blood Center recognized our employees' contributions with the following note of gratitude:
"Each year, the Department of Ecology holds more blood drives than any other donor group, and their blood drives consistently achieve or exceed their registration goal. In 2013, Ecology held 12 blood drives -- 173 different donors collectively gave 408 pints of blood.

This group's most recent amazing accomplishment was having 59 donors come to their two-day blood drive held the Thursday and Friday before Christmas. Because each pint of blood is divided into three usable components, in 2013, 1,224 patients in our community received blood that was donated at the Department of Ecology. And this group has been consistently excellent for decades.

Since April of 1994, the Department of Ecology has held 149 blood drives with 6,456 registrations. That's an average of 43 donors per drive. There are 303 past donors at the Department of Ecology, and more than half of them, 164 to be exact, are members of the prestigious Gallon Club; 7 more will receive their gallon pin at their next donation. Every great group needs a great coordinator. Allen Robbins has been overseeing the Ecology blood drives and has done an extraordinary job." -- Tori Fairhurst, Donor Representative, Puget Sound Blood Center
Ecology's ample donations were recognized with a handmade glass bowl by artist Ginger Kelly at the Puget Sound Blood Center's 2014 Partners in Life awards ceremony. Allen Robbins, who's been coordinating blood drives at Ecology's Lacey office since 1994, accepted the award. He also organized another drive earlier this week!

For more photos of the 2014 Partners in Life awards ceremony in Olympia, view Puget Sound Blood Center's Flickr album.

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