Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Eyes Over Puget Sound: A year in photo review

By Sandy Howard, communications manager, Environmental Assessment Program

http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/eap/mar_wat/eops/EOPS_2013_12_31.pdfThis edition of Eyes over Puget Sound looks back at some of our most memorable photos this year.
Sort of an aerial review of Puget Sound and the conditions we documented.
The pictures tell a story that low oxygen conditions persisted from January into August. Our scientists say we broke a two-year anomaly of more favorable water quality conditions (lower temperature and salinity and higher dissolved oxygen).

We had dramatic red-orange Noctiluca blooms in May, which was a month earlier than normal. The blooms lasted for two months and coincided with lower oxygen.
Large jellyfish patches persisted through the winter, but were less visible the rest of the year.

Large drifting algal mats appeared in August.
I’m suggesting my own Cute Award of images from 2013. Let’s give it to the baby seal that visited our float plane in September!

Happy New Year! Enjoy our Dec. 30, 2013, Eyes Over Puget Sound.
Eyes Over Puget Sound combines high-resolution photo observations with satellite images, en route ferry data between Seattle and Victoria BC, and measurements from our moored instruments.

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